G12 Ladder of Success: Win

The Ladder of Success is a four-step process taught by founder of the International G12 Movement, Pastor César Castellanos, and diligently implemented in every G12 church.

God’s desire is for the lost. We must recognise the urgency of winning people to Christ, and be constantly engaged in evangelism. Because God’s desire is for “all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth” (1 Timothy 2:4), it takes a whole army of men and women who are saved and transformed by Christ to share the gospel.

The 3 x 3 Model of Prayer

Evangelism begins with prayer. Implement this simple but effective prayer strategy.

Step 1:
Begin with three Christians in your cell.

Step 2:
Each member asks God for three pre-believing friends.

Step 3:
During the 1st week, the three members commit themselves to daily synchronised prayer and fast for their nine pre-believing friends. This continues for the whole month.

Step 4:
In the 2nd week, each member makes phone contact with the pre-believers.

Step 5:
In the 3rd week, the Christians share about Jesus and invite the pre-believers to the cell meeting.

Step 6:
In the 4th week, the Christians invite the pre-believers to the church service.

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