Registration Period: 1 – 25 March 2024
To help participants attain basic awareness of the Bible – for instance, the order of the Old and New Testaments, origins of the Bible, basic understanding of Bible versions, common Bible resources, and helpful handles in reading and studying the Bible using the Observation, Interpretation, Application (OIA) method.
Class Schedule
Date: 2, 9 & 16 April 2024 (Tuesday)
Time: 8pm – 10pm
Platform: Zoom
Who Should Register
Participants who are interested to learn more about the Bible and how to do Bible study using the OIA method.
Registration Procedure
- Register online at:
- Ensure that the email address and mobile number you fill in are valid as Zoom details will be sent via email and text message.
- Upon successful registration, you will receive an email confirmation. Please check both inbox and junk/spam folder for the email.
- Zoom details will be sent out by 28 March 2024, Thursday.
If you do not receive the email confirmation within a day or require further assistance, please email: