A Prayer For 2020

Welcome to 2020. It’s a new year, a new decade, and a new season. I’m sure much has changed for you in the past decade, and I know much more will change in the season ahead. It’s exciting and daunting at the same time. But always remember this – things change, people change, times change, but God never changes. So, stick close to Him and enjoy the journey.

I’d like to bless everyone with a prayer I came across on Instagram. It’s a prayer by Brittany Maher, and goes like this:

“Lord, Your plan is not always the same plan that I have in mind for myself. This is why I trust You. Your plan is always vastly greater.

I pray to have courage this year that I didn’t have last year. Courage that will take me far beyond what I could imagine for myself, but where You would have me go. I see myself approaching the waters, scared because I’ve never come close to them before – but fully confident that You are Who surrounds me and carries me through.

I pray for strength to fully invest in growing close to You and understanding the beautiful purpose I have here on this earth. You are my everything. May 2020 be the year of Your vision in my life.

In Jesus’ mighty name,

- Senior Pastor Daniel Khong

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