GKidz Volunteer Form

Thank you for responding to the call to be part of a community that will raise a righteous generation! Please take a few moments to fill in the form below so that we can know you better.

Personal Particulars
Contact Details
Please ensure that the information you provide in this section is valid and will allow us to contact you easily.
Cell & Equipping Details
All fields in this section are compulsory. Do take note that certain volunteer positions in GKidz will require you to have attained a certain equipping level.
Please answer this question if you are in a youth team
Serving GKidz
You are about to complete the registration process as a GKidz volunteer. Please fill in the fields in this section that apply to you.
Please select the options above if you indicated "GKidz Celebration Team" in the previous question
Please answer this question if you are signing up as a Small Group Leader only
Is there something we should know about you? Please write in the space below!

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