Happy New Year

We’ve come to the last weekend of 2018. The end of the year should always be a time of both reflection and inspiration. Reflection helps us to evaluate the past year – goals accomplished, failures experienced and lessons learnt. Inspiration spurs us on to experience more of God’s presence and power in the coming year.

In 2019, I’d like us to bear in mind six profoundly important words of Scripture: “making the most of every opportunity”. (Ephesians 5:15-16) This statement can be translated into two distinct imperatives for our lives:

First, don’t miss God’s kairos moment. Kairos is an ancient Greek word that means “opportunity”. In this instance, it refers to God’s special moment of grace. Kairos is God’s special window of opportunity. So, in spite of all the ups and downs in the coming year, don’t miss out on God’s special opportunities to grow in His grace and fulfill His purpose.

Second, don’t settle for less. I urge all of us to make the most of every God-given opportunity. Seize every single one of them. Don’t lose heart and don’t lose hope. Every opportunity from God is precious. So, let’s leverage on them with mountain-moving faith and earth-shaking commitment, and God’s opportunities will be relentless.

Senior Pastor Nina and I wish all of you a blessed year ahead filled with God’s abundant opportunities!

- Senior Pastor Lawrence Khong

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